My approach to the therapeutic process is what is known as integrative. There is no one-size fits all. My training and experience are informed from humanistic models and psychodynamic understanding of the importance of historical, social and cultural contexts. My years of CBT training took place before IAPT and were enriched by the psychological underpinnings of schema therapy. It is never just about changing behaviour with techniques but about understanding patterns of the mind with compassion and insight.

In the past 17 years I have trained in Mindfulness and MBCT or Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. In my employment I ran regular groups for depression and anxiety based on the principles of these models and this service proved effective in developing healthy coping skills and living life to the full.

More recently I have trained in the principles of NVC or Non-Violent Communication and I’ve run workshops on anger management and strategies for emotional regulation when faced with challenging scenarios in both the workplace and in one’s personal life’.


“Discussing with Anthea my feelings etc allowed me to lose the pent up anger/aggression and resentment I was once feeling. I’m in a position where I am trying to control my emotions much more and also know my own worth. ” Jake

“Counselling made me feel alive. I was able to deal with workplace issues without fear. I just wanted to say thank you so much. I still get anxiety attacks but they are not as often. You really have changed my life for the better”. Gemma